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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Is the iOS 8.1.1 Update for You?

November 18, 2014

Apple just released a new version of iOS that is supposed to speed up operations on the older iPhone 4S and iPad 2 devices. We’ve heard this song before. Another problem for a lot of users is the inability to update their devices over the air because they don’t have enough storage space available to handle the update. Those users can still potentially update if the update is performed via iTunes. Call me cynical, but I won’t be updating our iPad 2 for a long time to come. I would recommend waiting several weeks to see how this new update shakes out. Unfortunately, Apple doesn’t just provide security updates for its older devices and requires that you update to the latest version of iOS. I call it forced obsolescence.

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