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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Lavabit Encrypted E-Mail is Back

January 26, 2017

Lavabit provides encrypted end-to-end e-mail communications and was the service of choice for Edward Snowden. The encrypted e-mail service shut down in 2013 when federal agents investigating Snowden demanded access to e-mail messages of its 410,000 customers, including their private encryption keys. Lavabit shut down instead of releasing the customer information. The developer of Lavabit, Ladar Levison, has announced that the encrypted e-mail service will be resurrected. Levison also announced that Lavabit will be built with a new open source end-to-end protocol called the Dark Internet Mail Environment (DIME) standard that will become available on Github.

The new Lavabit will operate at three different encryption levels. Each mode (Trustful, Cautious and Paranoid) handles private key storage and message encryption differently at the expense of ease of use. Paranoid mode will be the highest level where the Lavabit servers will never store a user's private keys. If you were a previous Lavabit user, all of your data is now accessible. New users can get a 50% discount off of the subscription price if you pre-register prior to the eventual rollout of the new service.

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