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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Malware Infections More Efficient in 2015

December 15, 2015

The good news is that the daily malware count for 2015 went down from 325,000 a day to 310,000 a day. The bad news is that the malware is a lot more efficient and infected computers went up 5% as compared to 2014. Two primary reasons are that the market is more mature and it is easier to buy malicious code online than it is to hire programmers to build it. Also, the availability of stolen digital certificates makes it easier to pass off malware as being legitimate. The trend for 2016 appears that malware operators will focus on anything that makes them money. I’m sure that’s why we’re already seeing a rapid rise in the instances of ransomware.

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