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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Microsoft “Busted” for Disabling Competitor’s AV Products

June 21, 2017

Despite being a Russian company, I've always been a big fan of Kaspersky products. It is typically the first to identify new threats and is very flexible in allowing detailed configuration customization. Kaspersky has alleged that Microsoft engages in anti-competitive practices, especially where it comes to third party security software. Noted Windows guru Paul Thurrott stated, "Windows 10 actually removes third-party AV during an upgrade. After removing the third-party AV, Windows 10 tricks the user into thinking it's still installed and working." Apparently Microsoft agrees. Thurrott believes that the disabling of some third-party security software is because they are not certified for the current version of Windows 10. Yeah, right.

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