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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Microsoft Introduces “Do Over” Function for Enterprise OneDrive Users

January 23, 2018

If you are a business Microsoft Office 365 user, the chances are pretty good that you also have OneDrive for Business. If so, Microsoft just gave you another feature to save your butt when you screw up and make a change or delete something that you didn't want to do. Microsoft will now allow you to recover files from any point in time over the past thirty days. Microsoft calls the feature Files Restore and allows users the ability to review changes made to files over the past 30 days, including who made changes and at what time. You can even recover deleted files as long as they are still in the Recycle Bin.

While that may sound like a really good feature to have, understand that it means Microsoft has all of your data for the past thirty days. That means that deleted doesn't necessarily mean deleted. Like all things in technology, you really don't know what the cloud provider may or may not have access to.

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