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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Microsoft Surprises Everyone with Windows 10

October 2, 2014

Just when you thought you could trust all the leaked information, Microsoft surprised everyone by announcing that the next version of Windows will be called Windows 10 and not Windows 9 as expected. Terry Myerson, executive vice president for the Operating System Group, said that his team is approaching Windows in a very different way, delivering Windows with the ability to span everything from an Internet-of-Things device to phones, tablets, PCs or servers. He said calling it Windows 9 wouldn’t be big enough to give credit to all the differences. Many are suggesting that the new version will be the equivalent of two steps above the current Windows 8, justifying the jump to 10.

Many users have lobbied for the return of the Start menu and Microsoft will deliver. The new Start menu will be a more “modernized” version of what we are used to and will also features icons that are similar to ones found in the Modern UI. As Microsoft described it, the new Start menu “gives the familiarity of Windows 7 with some of the elements of Windows 8.” Geez, if the new version of Windows is a blend of features from Windows 7 and 8, why didn’t Microsoft call it Windows 15? That would make about as much sense as 10.

So what do we know about the new Windows 10? Paul Thurrott has a great post on his Supersite for Windows blog that highlights features and announcements from the Microsoft event. Paul is tied in pretty tightly with Microsoft, but he missed the Windows 10 name too. When will we see Windows 10? The Technical Preview was available on October 1st. Other builds will be available in the beginning of 2015 with the released version shipping later in the year. How late? Who knows? We’re not even sure if there will be a free download version available for Windows 8 users as a Microsoft executive recently announced.

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