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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Microsoft’s Patch Tuesday Blows Up Outlook

November 12, 2015

It was not a good day. Microsoft released 30+ patches on Tuesday to deal with security issues with Windows and Office. The unfortunate reality is that some Outlook users couldn’t actually use Outlook after the patches were applied. The good news is that only a handful of users are impacted, but it really pisses me off when I’m one of them. Sharon and I were in Erie, PA lecturing on the impact of digital assets when you die. Before leaving the hotel, we had 34+ Windows updates installed at shutdown. After an almost seven hour drive and firing up our machines at home, Outlook kept crapping out.

Apparently, several of our clients also experienced the same issue while we were driving on the Interstates destined for home. Thanks to the IT folks at Sensei, we have discovered a reliable fix to the problem. If you’ve installed the mega Tuesday security patches and Outlook continues to crap out, uninstall two patches (KB3101488 and KB3097877) to solve the problem. Let’s hope that Microsoft can fix the error in the patches and once again secure Outlook.

Update: Microsoft has issued a new version of the patch that resolves the problem.

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