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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

More Forced Obsolescence from Apple?

April 13, 2017

Apple has a great business model. Only support one mobile and one computer operating system at a time. This forces users to replace hardware when their devices will no longer run the latest operating system, which adds to Apple's profit margin. The latest devices in Apple's crosshairs are the iPhone 5 and 5c. iOS 10.3.2 is currently in beta and only supports a 64-bit processor. That means that any iPhone 5 and 5c and earlier are out of luck. No iOS updates means you will not be protected from security vulnerabilities discovered in the future and developers will only support 64-bit apps. However, Forbes reports that the 5 and 5c will still be on the iOS 10 list of supported devices. That would be a first. I don't ever recall Apple supporting two (2) versions of iOS at the same time. My guess is that Apple will no longer support 32-bit iPhones and hope you'll part with more cash to buy a new model. Then again, you always have the choice to jump over to an Android device.

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