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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Much Easier to Delete Your Google Search History Now

October 25, 2018

More and more users are concerned about their privacy and how much data companies like Google and Facebook are capturing about them. Good news! Google has now made it easier for you to delete your search history. PCWorld has the detailed steps, but it is now easier to do on a phone or your desktop. For mobile devices:

  1. Log into your Google account in Chrome.
  2. After initiating a search, tap the hamburger menu to the left of the Google logo
  3. Select Your data in Search
  4. Scroll down to Your recent activity
  5. Tap All Search activity

The process is much simpler in the desktop version of Chrome. Go to the Google home page and click the new Control your data in Google Search link underneath the Google Search and I’m Feeling Lucky buttons. There are many choices that follow to easily blow away all of your search history or get as granular as you want.

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