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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Net Neutrality Explained in Simple Terms

January 25, 2018

I try to concentrate on technology and sometimes technology issues with the law. The Net Neutrality issue has been in the news for the last several months, but I don't think a lot of people even know what it means. I give expert testimony and am used to explaining technical concepts in easy to understand terms for juries and judges. I tip my hat to Burger King for developing a commercial that explains Net Neutrality in the simple terms of a Whopper. It really doesn't matter what your political affiliation is, the point is the impact of Internet access given the recent FCC ruling in regards to Net Neutrality. I'm glad to see that the government is finally going to investigate the alleged Net Neutrality comment fraud. At the end of the day, while Burger King is probably trying to get the upper hand on McDonald's, they created a great commercial to explain Net Neutrality to the common man.

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