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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

New Life for Backup Exec?

April 14, 2015

If you’ve been involved with technology for more than a few years, you will remember many products that have been bought, sold and acquired as companies grew and expanded. Companies like Cisco, IBM, Apple, Facebook and others purchase technologies and companies and roll them into their current offerings. One of those products is Backup Exec. Back in the day, Backup Exec by Seagate was the go-to product for backing up your data. It was a solid, cost effective way to make sure you could restore your information in the case of hardware failure or malware infection. Veritas acquired Backup Exec and expanded the features.

Symantec then swallowed Veritas and proceeded to screw up the really great Backup Exec product. Symantec is not the only company to mess up good technology, but that’s the subject of another blog post. The good news is that Symantec is exploring spinning off Veritas according to MarketWatch. I’m hoping that we will see Backup Exec return to its prior spot as a premium backup utility before Symantec messed it up.

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