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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Office 365 Message Encryption: More Good Stuff

October 8, 2014

Have I mentioned encryption lately? Last year, Microsoft announced message encryption for Office 365 but you had to be logged into a Microsoft account to read them. Not a problem if you already have a Microsoft ID. However, despite the huge percentage of Windows users around the globe, there are still those that don’t have (or want) a Microsoft user ID or account. Microsoft has now changed the way you access encrypted Office 365 messages.

If you don’t have a Microsoft account or aren’t currently logged into the account, you can view the encrypted messages for 15 minutes using a one-time passcode that Microsoft will send you via e-mail. Hmmm…get an e-mail to access e-mail. Interesting concept.

Bottom line – it is now much easier to communicate via encrypted e-mail using Office 365. Have I mentioned encryption lately?

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