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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

One Click Password Changers Have Arrived

December 10, 2014

It looks like password managers are trying to differentiate themselves from the competition by providing the ability to change all of your passwords with one click. When we see events like Heartbleed, the advice is to immediately change all of your passwords. That can be a real pain depending on how many different logon credentials you have created. LastPass has announced its Auto‑Password Change feature. It is available free to all users on Chrome, Safari and Firefox. Auto-Password Change supports 75 of the most popular websites. Make sure you read the comments in the LastPass blog post, especially those concerning two factor authentication (2FA) websites. There are some issues with mobile devices as well.

Dashlane, another free password manager, also supports one-click changes for passwords. They don’t specifically mention the number of supported sites, but you can access the list here and count them yourself. Now that the gauntlet has been thrown, I expect a lot of the other password manager products to have an automatic password feature very soon.

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