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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Password Manager LastPass Gets Hacked

June 18, 2015

It seems like we hear of at least one data breach a week these days. One of the latest victims is LastPass, a popular password manager for storing all of your passwords. According to a post on its website, “LastPass account email addresses, password reminders, server per user salts, and authentication hashes were compromised.” The data contained in a user’s encrypted vault was not compromised, which is a good thing. Obviously, the recommendation is to change your master password.

I know a lot of folks use LastPass, but I’ve never been a fan of putting your login passwords in the cloud. I would much rather have control over my encrypted vault, which is why I use eWallet as my password manager. Besides having my encrypted vault stored locally and backed up, I synchronize with my mobile devices so that my credentials (passwords, frequent flyer numbers, hotel rewards numbers, passport information, etc.) are accessible on my smartphone when I travel. There are many choices of password managers that store data in the cloud or locally. No matter which one you use, make sure your master password is a strong one.

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