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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.
Passwords Are Still King
August 18, 2016
Naked Security reports that a new survey shows users still prefer passwords over other authentication methods such as biometrics. The survey revealed that 58% of people prefer to use passwords for accessing online services. Fingerprints were the most popular biometric method at 10% and only 9% of those survey thought that collecting biometric data was safe. Some of the specific reasons those surveyed don't like biometrics include:
- 42% worry about not being able to access online accounts through these biometric authentication methods in case of a malfunction.
- 42% don't want companies to collect, save and use their personal data for logging on to online services. (Note: you're pretty much out of luck if the Feds want to use it after you're dead!)
- 33% worry that third parties could access their biometric data if they lost a device. (Or, say, if a judge forces you to unlock the iPhone of your boyfriend/alleged Armenian gang member). Bear in mind that courts nowadays consider passwords to be covered by Fifth Amendment rights against forced self-incrimination because passwords are something you know. However, biometrics aren't protected by the Fifth Amendment, since they're considered to be something you are.)
- 32% worry that hackers could overcome biometric authentication methods to log on to their online accounts. (They're right! We've seen fingerprints, facial recognition and iris recognition all fooled by hackers.)
- 30% don't think the technology is fully developed to support these biometric authentication methods. (Which is quite likely why we keep seeing ever more new biometrics tested as authentication methods, including, for example, brainprints.)
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