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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Scratch My Back – I’ll Scratch Yours

February 27, 2018

Why can't people just tell the truth and be transparent? The general public hasn't had a great opinion of politicians or those in the practice of law. Spoiler alert – there are some good lawyers and politicians. However, Apple and Google have poked fingers in each other's eyes for years. Some warranted, some not. The latest news is that Apple iCloud is actually storing user's photos on Google servers.

Apparently, Google pays Apple billions of dollars to be the default search engine on iOS devices. Apple has recently removed the reference to Microsoft's Azure platform and replaced it with Google's Cloud Platform. There is still a reference to Amazon Web Services. Hmm…it really doesn't matter where your data is stored. What matters is who controls the encryption keys. Apple has recently announced that encryption keys for some users will be stored in China. Store the data on Google, Microsoft, Amazon or anybody else, control of the encryption keys is the most important issue. What is not known is if Google has some master decryption key for the iCloud data.

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