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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Should You Take Advantage of the Free Windows 10 Upgrade?

July 18, 2016

Time is running out to take advantage of the free Windows 10 upgrade, which ends on July 29th. Should you bite the bullet? PCWorld has ten compelling reasons to upgrade to Windows 10.

  1. Improved desktop experience
  2. Enthusiast-friendly addition
  3. Under-the-hood improvements
  4. Native security protection
  5. Cortana
  6. DirectX 12
  7. Universal Windows apps
  8. The little extras (e.g. native print to PDF)
  9. It's free
  10. It'll keep getting better

There you go. If you have fairly new hardware and your applications are Windows 10 compliant, jump in the water. If you have older hardware, I would suggest you wait until you replace your computer.

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