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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Speech Recognition Keeps Getting Better

August 6, 2014

Dragon NaturallySpeaking is a killer speech recognition application for your computer. PCWorld just did a product review for the latest version (version 13) and gave it extremely high marks. With each version, the product gets more and more accurate. Nuance claims that the latest version is 15% more accurate than version 12. If you haven’t tried speech recognition software recently, you should give Dragon a try.

Dragon NaturallySpeaking supports the built-in microphones installed in most laptops, but I would still recommend using a USB headset/microphone. There are versions that support wireless microphones such as Bluetooth, but they tend to be less accurate and communication can be intermittent.

Remember that no speech recognition implementation will be perfect, so you will have to be careful proof reading any important document or correspondence. Even with some of the odd mistypes, Dragon can still save you a lot of typing time.

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