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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Spy vs. Spy – The War of the Ad Blockers

January 2, 2018

The good guys are up, the good guys are down. That's the general mood of where websites stand on the issue of ad blockers. Researchers from the University of Iowa and UC Riverside have learned that 30.5 percent of the top 10,000 websites have measures to thwart ad blocking. The sites are using methods to "bait" the ad blockers in a way to launch ads that the blockers may not catch. Frankly, I hate ads popping up whenever I visit a site. I use AdBlock to stop those annoying ads from appearing. It does a pretty good job and I haven't had an unwanted advertisement in months. However, recent research indicates that many websites are employing tactics to defeat ad blockers. Forbes and Wired are notorious for stopping the display of content if you have an ad blocker installed. Not to worry…I'll get that content from a different site since I won't disable the ad blocker just because some marketing idiot wants to track my activity and throw ads on my screen.

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