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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Surface Pro Shutting Down Without Warning

July 10, 2017

You're probably pretty ticked off by now if you purchased a new Microsoft Surface Pro and it keeps shutting down unexpectedly. Apparently, you are not alone. Computerworld reported that the Surface Pro 2017 (the one that doesn't have a model number) shuts down without warning. The current recommendation is to return the device for a newer model. Microsoft Answers Forum moderator, MVP, and long-standing Surface guru Barb Bowman said:

"Based on the fact that it has historically taken Microsoft months and months to identify issues and come out with a fix and since these devices are still eligible for return for full refund, you may want to consider returning for a full refund and repurchasing. If you do that, you get another 30 days of being able to return and repurchase, etc. The reason I say this is that 6 months down the road, Microsoft will exchange for a refurb if they determine it is a hardware issue and the quality of the refurbs has not been consistent."

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