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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

There’s Still Time to Upgrade Your Soon-To-Be-Out-Of-Support Software

April 15, 2015

By now you should know that Windows XP is no longer supported and getting any security updates. That doesn’t mean that you should sit back and relax. Server 2003 goes out of support on July 14, 2015. SQL Server 2005 is next on the “hit list.” So take this as fair warning that you are going to need to budget for some upgrades. The bad news is that researchers predict that the upgrades will cost businesses millions of dollars. You really don’t have a choice, but at least you can budget for the expense. That means planning for the expense and including it in your IT budget for the coming year. It is unfortunate that a lot of businesses react to crisis instead of planning before disaster strikes.

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