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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Three Steps Forward – Two Steps Backward

September 24, 2015

Reports claim that more than 50% of iOS devices have upgraded to the latest iOS 9. Supposedly, iOS 9 has some great new features and much improved security. Apple has come a long way in improving the security of its consumer grade OS with every new release. As Apple gains market share, it becomes a more attractive target for attack. BGR reports that there is a serious security vulnerability in iOS 9. Apparently, it’s a simple matter to bypass the lock code and gain access to the user’s private data. The fix is to disable Siri when the phone is locked. I still don’t understand why anyone would even want to have Siri, Cortana, Google Now, etc. enabled to send your voice requests for preservation and marketing use by a third party.

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