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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Two 800 Pound Gorillas – Dropbox and Microsoft

November 6, 2014

Microsoft and Dropbox just announced a deal to help link Office 365 and the popular Dropbox cloud storage. The arrangement seems to be a win-win, but I’m thinking Microsoft got the better deal. Dropbox users will be linked to Office 365 so that they can edit Word, Excel and PowerPoint files within the Dropbox environment. In addition, Dropbox will have an app to run on mobile versions of Windows with the next Windows release.

Some may think that Microsoft will lose business from OneDrive users since Dropbox competes with that service. Since OneDrive is already included with Office 365, I don’t think there is going to be much sting there. However, some may drop Dropbox (bad pun) and move to OneDrive for their online storage needs, especially since the storage is now unlimited. Either way, it’s another angle for Microsoft to push its subscription to Office 365 service to increase the annual revenue stream.

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