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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

United States Cybersecurity Sucks

September 19, 2016

The government is trying to combat the acts of others and protect the citizens, but they are also gathering a ton of information concerning non-terrorists too. Dark Reading has reported that the best score you can give the Obama administration is a C+. That's pretty pitiful. The best thing we can do is train our employees to act responsibly when dealing with potential cyberattacks. Recognizing phishing scams and attempts to get us to click on bad links or attachments is one way to help prevent malicious attacks. The government doesn't have a good history of protecting our privacy. I just hope that the next administration can at least score a C++, which will be an improvement over the past. No matter who wins, I am not particularly hopeful.

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