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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

What the Hell is HTTP/2?

February 25, 2015

It has been over sixteen years, but we finally have an update to HTTP and it is called HTTP/2. The new standard was recently announced as the successor to HTTP 1.1. The updated version of HTTP will provide a faster web experience. That’s because the current HTTP specification bogs down servers due to the way the requests are made. HTTP/2 implements multiplexing so that multiple requests can be delivered simultaneously. Browsers are well on their way to supporting the new specification. Chrome 40 will include support for HTTP/2. Firefox 36 will support the draft 14 and 15 specifications of HTTP/2. Firefox 37 and 38 will support draft 16 of the specification and the final draft 17 specification will be in the next Firefox version. The Project Spartan browser included in Windows 10 Technical Preview will include support for HTTP/2.

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