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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

What’s the Best Cloud Backup Solution to Secure your Data?

September 27, 2016

Timing is everything. We recently gave a presentation addressing budget friendly technology, where we discussed a site that reviews backup options. CSO has a post that lists the best online backup services for securely encrypting your data. If you really want to protect your encrypted data, you better control the encryption key. That means typical cloud provider services can't access your data. Unfortunately, you can count the fingers on only one hand those services that can't decrypt your data without your knowledge.

The post lists the encryption rating of several online backup solutions. Backblaze has a very good encryption rating. Carbonite (one or our personal favorites) has excellent encryption for Windows systems, but really crud security for a Mac. Crashplan has excellent encryption as well. Farther down the list are iDrive and MozyHome, which have fair encryption implementations. It was surprising to me to see SpiderOak to only have a 'very good' rating instead of excellent. Perhaps that's because when you share files the encryption breaks down. No matter which system you select, the most important feature is the ability to have an end-user controlled encryption key.

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