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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Which One? One Drive or Google Drive?

June 5, 2018

When you are looking for cloud storage, which one should you choose? A comparison of the storage capacity, features, price and compatibility would be good places to start. Google gives you 15GB of free storage space and Microsoft gives you only 5GB. That volume is for personal use and business users get no free ride. If you want more storage it will cost you $2.49/month with Google for 100GB and $2.99/month for 50GB with Microsoft. As you can see, Google is cheaper for increasing storage at the various tiers. Setup is easy for either offering.

I don't think you can go wrong with either storage solution. As would be expected, Google Drive integrates very well with G Suite and One Drive integrates very well with Office. That doesn't mean you can't use Google Drive with Office or One Drive with G Suite. Data security is good with both as well. Both offer automatic data encryption and safeguards on user accounts and devices. If you are a heavy Android user, Google Drive is the better place to start.

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