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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Which Solid State Drive Should you Buy?

April 22, 2015

According to ars technica, that would be the 500GB Samsung 850 EVO drive. Solid state drives are fast and hold up real well to environmental impacts such as vibration. Not many of us would use a computer while riding on an amusement park ride, but it is comforting to know that we won’t corrupt any data if we are using a solid state drive. The Samsung drive costs a mere $0.36 per gigabyte. Imagine that – just 36 cents for one gig. I remember (back in the day) when I spent $1,000 for a one gig Fujitsu SCSI drive. My have times changed. You should be paying around $200 for the 850 EVO drive. If it is out of stock or you can’t find one, the 500GB Crucial BX100 is a good alternative.

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