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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Which VPN is Right for You?

March 16, 2016

Lifehacker has its favorites for providing Virtual Private Networking (VPN) services. The information is a little dated for a modern comparison. To help you determine which VPN is the right one for your needs, Lifehacker has a post which references a massive Google spreadsheet compiled by That One Privacy Guy that shows almost anything you want to know about the VPN service. The sheet lists such information as the type of logging that may or may not occur, whether the service is located in a country that's happy to spy on your data and share information, what ports are blocked, if personal information is required, what protocols are supported, location of exit nodes, etc. The sheet currently has data for 120 VPNs. Make sure you check the information in cell A3 to see when the data was last updated.

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