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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Windows 8 Will Not Have a Start Menu Choice

June 11, 2014

Windows 8 has a very different look than any other prior version of Windows. It is very “touch” centric and doesn’t have the beloved Start Menu. ZDNet reports that the Start Menu won’t return until at least 2015 with the next major release of Windows. It is not clear if the next version will be called Windows 9, but no matter the name, it is expected to be released in April 2015. Even if the Start Menu does return to Windows, it won’t be the same as in prior versions of Windows. It seems that consumers are upset that the Start Menu disappeared with Windows 8 and want it back. At this time, it sounds like it will be a hybrid of the old Start Menu and the non-Start Menu Metro-style interface from Windows 8.

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