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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

With Apple, Patience is a Virtue

September 18, 2014

It’s hard to slow down Apple fans! Look at the record number of pre-orders for the iPhone 6 as an example. I’m sure there will be a lot of disappointed buyers once they see (and feel) the camera “nubbin” on the new phone – which Apple "photoshopped" out of many public images. Geez.

There is a lot of press about the new release of iOS 8. Millions of iPhone, iPad and iPod touch owners are expected to download and install the update within days of the release. Take a breath and consider whether you want to download it. Initial reports indicate that installing the iOS 8 update may not be the best decision, especially if you have older devices such as the iPhone 4S or iPad 2. ars technica identified a slowness in performance along with other issues when the update was installed. A little patience may be indicated!

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