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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

WPA2 Wi-Fi Encryption Not Safe Either

October 16, 2017

For years we've lectured that WEP and WPA have been cracked so only WPA2 networks were safe. Not anymore. It looks like all of the Wi-Fi encryption protocols can be compromised. As reported by Ars Technica, a proof-of-concept exploit called KRACK, short for Key Reinstallation Attacks, works by exploiting a four-way handshake that's used to establish a key for encrypting traffic. It is still in the early times of the devastating announcement. As more details emerge, we'll have a better handle on how to address this vulnerability. For now, it looks like all methods of Wi-Fi encryption can be intercepted. That means you should always be using HTTPS or a VPN when connecting to a wireless network. Make sure you thoroughly investigate your VPN provider and choose one that doesn't log information or cooperate with law enforcement to tap the communication stream.

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