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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

You Need a Password Manager: LastPass Releases Major Update

April 13, 2015

Passwords aren’t dead yet so to suffer through the foreseeable future, you’ll need a password major to keep track of all those complex, unique, multi-character passwords you use to access your shopping websites, bank accounts, network logins and any other system that requires authentication. There are many good password managers available for your use. LastPass is a favorite among many of my colleagues, although I’m a much bigger fan of eWallet.

LastPass is free for the basic version, but the Premium version (you have to pay money – shocker) gives you more options and the ability to synchronize with mobile devices. There is a recent update, which brings a lot more function to a very good password manager. Specifically, BGR states the recent enhancements are:

  • A beautiful redesign with a lighter look and feel
  • Easier navigation and improved transition
  • Floating action button to add new items
  • Reorganized settings menu
  • Redesigned app fill windows
  • Many fixes and tweaks

Check it out. Get a password manager, but make sure it meets your needs and can handle all the various types of data you want to store in the encrypted vault.

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