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Sharon Nelson Mentioned by Gregory Bufithis

January 12, 2017

Gregory Bufithis is the founder and CEO of The Project Counsel Group and The Vellios Foundation. He maintains his own website where he writes and posts blogs about a variety of subjects. In the technology section of this site, he wrote a post entitled “THE LONG READ: the Chinese violate U.S. law firm data security, the Russians hack the U.S. political process … oh, the politics of cyber war” and in this post he gives kudos to Sharon Nelson.

Excerpt: But before I continue, two kudos. The first is to Sharon Nelson and her team at Sensei Enterprises, one of our “go to” sources on cybersecurity news. She has been tracking the series of security breaches at U.S. law firms (for her latest post click here), as well as continuing commentary on law firm data issues (for a piece earlier this year when she commented on her participation at the College of Law Practice Management’s 2016 Futures Conference click here). She is also a co-author (with her husband/business partner John [Simek], and David Ries) of the book Locked Down: Practical Information Security for Lawyers. It’s actually the second edition. It arrived last month in my monthly book shipment from the States. It is my holiday read but I did start it.  It provides a great understanding of the basics of end-to-end information management — and it is very readable.