
Legal Talk Network Posts New Digital Detectives Podcast

April 2, 2018

“It’s all too easy to step off a precipice without ever realizing you were on a precipice.” – Sharon Nelson

The field of e-discovery is constantly changing, and there are many new and old ways to get into trouble as a litigator. In this episode of Digital Detectives, Sharon Nelson and John Simek discuss some of the most common reasons lawyers run into e-discovery ethics issues, including social media, Yelp reviews, document manipulation, and “hiding the ball” by giving opposing counsel too much data. And negligence is no excuse; if you’re not qualified for the discovery needs of the case, Sharon and John explain, you must get the education, hire a competent lawyer, or decline representation. They also go over a bunch of high-profile examples and talk about the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which goes into effect on May 25th, 2018.

Listen to the podcast here.