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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Simplified or Classic Office Ribbon – Your Choice

March 1, 2021

One of the things Microsoft Office users gripe about is the change from menus to the ribbon. Hopefully, we’re all used to the current ribbon, but some still want to get back to a simpler way to navigate through the Office application. There is good news for those that would love to nuke the current Office ribbon. While you totally remove the ribbon, How-To Geek has a post describing how to enable a more simplified ribbon.

As we know, the classic ribbon has a lot of icons. As the post states, “The new, simplified ribbon has fewer icons on it and more space for fingers to click the icons (for computers and tablets with touch screens).” The simplified ribbon isn’t just limited to the computer application – it is available in the web apps too.

You switch back and forth between the classic and simplified ribbon by clicking on the small down arrow in the far-right corner of the ribbon. The toggle will only appear if you have a down arrow. If you have an up arrow in the corner, then the ribbon will totally collapse if you click it. Don’t panic, just select one of the menu choices and then click the pin icon in the corner to lock the ribbon view again.

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