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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Install This Must Have Chrome Extension

January 18, 2022

The Chrome browser is hugely popular among users. Even though it is used by the majority of users, it is still not very good in handling system resources and tends to slow down as more and more tabs are open. In other words, each time you open a tab drives another nail into your performance coffin. One solution is to start closing tabs, but what if you want to go back and refer to the site you had open? Creating a bunch of bookmarks isn’t a very elegant solution. Adding items to the reading list is marginally better but doesn’t totally solve the performance problem.

CNET has a post describing a must have extension for Chrome. The Auto Tab Discard extension basically shuts down the tab and returns resources to your computer system without actually closing out the tab. Think of it as putting the tab in hibernation mode. After a period of inactivity, the memory and processing resources are released. When that happens, a little icon appears on the tab to indicate it is no longer active. Clicking on the tab automatically reloads the information and re-activates the website page. Give it a go.

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