Company News

Sensei Article Featured in Oregon State Bar Bulletin

February 2, 2022

“10 Tips for Maximizing Cybersecurity Awareness Training ” by Sharon D. Nelson, John W. Simek, and Michael C. Maschke of Sensei Enterprises, was featured in the January 2022 Oregon State Bar Bulletin.


We can speak authoritatively about cybersecurity awareness for law firm employees because we give this training so often. Here are some of our tips to ensure you maximize the effectiveness of your training.

1. Take cybersecurity awareness training seriously and do it right.

A significant recent statistic is that human beings are involved in the success of 82% of cyber attacks. They tend to have crummy passwords, they reuse and share passwords, they click on links or attachments without thinking, they get emails which seem improbable and yet respond to them, and the list goes on and on.

We used to say that you should do training once a year but as things are moving faster and faster, we think it’s better to do it twice a year.

Employees need reiterative training. They simply forget what they were taught. Also, the threats and the defenses keep changing, so it really is hard to keep up. We would advise not to  be tempted to use in-house IT to do the training for budget reasons. They’re not training professionals and they don’t carry the big bat needed to hit the lessons home. If you’re going to hire some to train, which is what most people now do, get some referrals from your friends.

Effective presenters have to be good entertainers as well as good teachers. Our own one-hour training sessions are either $500 or $1,000 depending on the customization involved. Small law firms can afford that. We recommend training be limited to one hour because after that, the attendees do tend to go numb. You can do a lot in an hour!

Read the entire article here (Page 36)