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Legal Talk Network Posts New Digital Edge Podcast – ABA TECHSHOW 2022: An Interview with Co-Chairs Brooke Moore and Ivan Hemmans

March 1, 2022

Brooke and Ivan give an inside look at the exciting tracks and sessions available for TECHSHOW 2022 attendees.

TECHSHOW is coming up March 2-5 in Chicago! Sharon Nelson and Jim Calloway welcome this year’s co-chairs Brooke Moore and Ivan Hemmans to learn more about the in-person and virtual offerings for conference-goers. Visit to register! 

Brooke Moore is the legal editor for Legal Templates LLC and founding attorney of MyVirtual.Lawyer, an online, limited scope representation law firm model.

Ivan Hemmans is a senior manager of technical development at O’Melveny & Myers LLP and has extensive experience with information technology.

Special thanks to our sponsors, Alert CommunicationsBlackletter PodcastScorpion, and Smokeball.

Listen to the podcast here