The Godfathers of Cybercrime: The 2022 Verizon Report
June 8, 2022
Roughly Four in Five Breaches Emanate from Organized Crime
Granted, the three authors of this article are geeks. And yes, we get excited every year when Verizon releases its annual data breach investigation report (DBIR). The Verizon 2022 Data Breach Investigation Report, like all of its predecessors, is chock full of reliable information that law firms need to know.
One of the stunning revelations this year is that roughly four in five breaches arise from organized crime. The quaint notion of disheveled individuals sitting in a chair, drinking endless caffeine-laden beverages and eating lots of pizza while hacking away has given way to criminal cartels, which operate much as the American mobsters once did, right down to godfathers who make people an offer they can’t refuse.