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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Another Data Breach – Time to Change Your Cellphone Carrier?

January 5, 2021

Nobody wants to be the victim of a data breach. It's bad enough that there is already so much of our personal information available to others. According to a post on Threatpost, T-Mobile revealed that it experienced its fourth data breach in the past three years. According to the notice, customer CPNI (customer proprietary network information) was accessed. The good news (if there is any) is that the accessed data did not contain account names, physical addresses, email addresses, financial data, social security numbers, passwords, etc.

As you've probably heard, Sprint merged with T-Mobile last year. Sprint had two data breaches of its own in 2019. So that makes the six data breaches in the past three years for the combined company. As Threatpost reported, "It should be noted that T-Mobile and Sprint were also impacted by an incident in December 2019, where hundreds of thousands of mobile phone bills for AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile subscribers were laid open to anyone with an internet connection, thanks to the oversight of a contractor working with Sprint." Wow! While no company is immune from a cyber attack, perhaps it's a good time to switch to a service that is less prone to exposing your data.

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