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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Password Manager Recommendation

August 17, 2020

Here we go again. It's a reboot recommendation to use a password manager. A password manager stores your important credentials in an encrypted database that is unlocked using one master password. In other words, you only need to remember one password to gain access to all your other passwords. But wait. Why can't you just tell your browser to remember your passwords? The short answer is they are not that good at protecting your credentials and are less effective in suggesting strong passwords. Besides, the primary function of a web browser is not to act as a password manager. Wired tested password managers and posted its suggestions for five of its favorites.

  1. 1Password
  2. Bitwarden
  3. Dashlane
  4. KeePassXC
  5. NordPass

In my opinion, the selection of a password manager is largely a personal preference. Do you want one that is cloud-based or stores the database locally? What features do you want? Can you store more than just passwords? Do you need to synchronize passwords across multiple devices? Do you need to share some passwords with family members? These are all decision points for selecting a password manager. At the end of the day, just do it. Pick one and move forward. If everyone used a password manager, password reuse would take a nosedive and significantly protect everyone's data.

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