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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Is WPA3 and Wi-Fi 6 Finally Here?

May 28, 2020

It's been a long time coming, but it looks like we are getting closer to practical implementations of faster and more secure Wi-Fi connections. Bleeping Computer reported that Microsoft has just released a new version of Windows 10, which includes support for Wi-Fi 6 and WPA3. As Microsoft stated, "Windows 10 (Version 2004) supports Wi-Fi 6 and WPA3. Wi-Fi 6 gives you better wireless coverage and performance with added security. WPA3 provides improved Wi-Fi security by using the latest standard."

Even though the Windows 10 May 2020 Update supports Wi-Fi 6 and WPA3, that doesn't mean you'll be able to take advantage of the new standards. Besides support in the operating system, you'll need a driver for your wireless adapter that also supports the standards. Support for WPA3 and Wi-Fi 6 is also needed on our wireless router to complete the puzzle. It's a complicated set of requirements, but the Bleeping Computer post has instructions to check each piece. Support in the operating system is one piece, but I would hold off on installing the latest Windows 10 update for now. Supposedly, there have been several issues impacting users that have already installed the update.

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