Your IT Consultant

Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Crappy Passwords Are Here to Stay

December 19, 2019

Every year someone comes out with a listing of the worst passwords of the year. Sharon and I are thankful for these revelations as it is great content for our presentations. Not to disappoint anyone, SplashData has released its ninth annual Worst Passwords of the Year list, which analyzes more than 5 million passwords from known data breaches. The sad part is that people are STILL reusing passwords. The recent Ring security news is a case in point. The report actually identifies the top 100 worst passwords, but that would make this post too long. Here are the top 25 worst passwords of the year.

  1. 123456 (rank unchanged from 2018)
  2. 123456789 (up 1)
  3. qwerty (Up 6)
  4. password (Down 2)
  5. 1234567 (Up 2)
  6. 12345678 (Down 2)
  7. 12345 (Down 2)
  8. iloveyou (Up 2)
  9. 111111 (Down 3)
  10. 123123 (Up 7)
  11. abc123 (Up 4)
  12. qwerty123 (Up 13)
  13. 1q2w3e4r (New)
  14. admin (Down 2)
  15. qwertyuiop (New)
  16. 654321 (Up 3)
  17. 555555 (New)
  18. lovely (New)
  19. 7777777 (New)
  20. welcome (Down 7)
  21. 888888 (New)
  22. princess (Down 11)
  23. dragon (New)
  24. password1 (Unchanged)
  25. 123qwe (New)

This blog will be taking a break until January 6. Happy holidays to all and may everyone have a happy and healthy 2020!

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