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Sensei Article Featured In VACDL The Virginia Champion

March 28, 2023

Recently, a Sensei article was featured in the Winter 2023 Virginia Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (VACDL) newsletter, The Virginia Champion titled, “Digital Detoxing: A Lawyer’s Best Friend” by Sharon D. Nelson, Esq. and John W. Simek. The article is on page 6. The VACDL’s mission is to improve the quality of justice in Virginia by seeking to ensure fairness and equality before the law. 


The Authors Are Detox Veterans

While that heading might seem a little silly, it is absolutely true that fighting digital addiction is a true battle. It took us a long time to realize how deep our addiction was – and winning our battle against the “drug-like” compulsion to be online was not an easy victory.

So . . . if you know you need a digital detox, we hope that what follows with be useful to you. And take heart, there are many of us who have now graduated from addiction to a MUCH healthier way of living!

Read the entire article here.