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Sensei Article Featured in The Iowa Lawyer

April 6, 2023

“How Lawyers Can Connect to Public Wi-Fi Safely?” by Sensei’s Sharon Nelson and John Simek was featured in the April 2023 edition of The Iowa Lawyer. The Iowa Lawyer, the official magazine of The Iowa State Bar Association, is free online or in print to ISBA members as part of their annual dues. The magazine informs members on issues, events and developments in the law that impact their practices, as well as interesting interviews and feature stories on the Iowa legal community.


Most lawyers know they are ethically bound to protect confidential data when using their smartphones, laptops, etc. when connecting to public Wi-Fi. It is time for a refresher course.

We were wrapped in a COVID cocoon for a while. Now we are traveling more often, for work or vacation. We’re connecting from airports, hotels, or conferences. Many lawyers have returned to previous daily patterns of working from their favorite coffee shop.

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