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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Firefox Default – Block Trackers

June 6, 2019

The good news is privacy is becoming more and more important for users. The bad news…advertisers want to track your internet activity to serve you targeted ads. More bad news is that application providers want to capture your data and sell it for profit. The better news is that Firefox now blocks website cookies that can let advertisers and publishers track you across the web.

As reported by CNET, “Blocking cookies can lead to another tracking strategy called fingerprinting. There, tracking scripts embedded in websites gauge the features and configuration of your browser, a collection of data that can uniquely identify you. To thwart this, browser makers are cutting down on factors that can be used in fingerprinting and blocking identified fingerprinting scripts.”

Let’s hope more and more application providers focus on privacy and implement techniques to stop tracking our activity. Are you hearing that Facebook?

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