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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Tor Browser Available for Android

May 22, 2019

Want to enter the Dark Web? One of the most common ways is to use the Tor browser. As stated by CNET, “The Tor Browser relies on a network of servers that send network requests over multiple intermediate links to hide who you really are when you visit a website. That can be useful if you don't want to be tracked — whether you're an activist trying to avoid government monitoring or just an ordinary person trying to stay out of the clutches of ad companies.” Up until now, I would run a virtual machine with Tails (the amnesic incognito live system) to access the Dark Web. Tails includes the Tor browser, but now there is a mobile alternative for Android devices. The Tor browser is now available on the Google Play store.

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