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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Beware the Office Update That Freezes Your System

May 9, 2019

Despite some unanticipated problems, it’s always a good idea to install updates as soon as they are available. Microsoft Office is no exception. However, a recent Office update is causing some problems for some users. In fact, it is so bad that Microsoft has pulled the update and it is no longer available. Bleeping Computer reported that Microsoft Office update KB4462238 may cause some systems to freeze up. Apparently, the problem occurs when you click on a link in Outlook or Word. Shocker (not), but a lot of people use Outlook for email and Word for documents that contain hyperlinks. If the KB4462238 update is already installed, it is suggested that you remove it and wait for Microsoft to release a fixed update.

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