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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Increased Privacy and Data Controls for Office 365

May 2, 2019

Microsoft announced extra Office 365 options to help organizations have better and stronger data privacy and compliance practices. A major improvement is more control of encrypted email sent outside of an organization. As reported by Bleeping Computer, administrators can prohibit access to sensitive content shared outside their organization by setting them to automatically expire or by revoking "access to encrypted emails through a secure web portal." As an example, the Advanced Message Encryption feature can automatically encrypt and expire the message after 30 days, making it simpler to adapt to compliance requirements.

Some of the other new features allow customers to keep a close eye on possible phishing attacks or data leaks that may lead to serious privacy or security incidents. Microsoft Teams allows administrators the ability to create rules designed to automatically block users from sharing sensitive information via channel conversations or chat messages, thereby effectively preventing accidental data leaks.

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